What is the 48 laws of power
What is the 48 laws of power

The woman then said “do you have a problem?” And I said “nah but you guys wanna talk shit while I’m doing a service. We got into the elevator to reach the suites (just part of my job to bring them) and I just went on my phone.

what is the 48 laws of power

As I gave the tour, I’d say things like “yeah but you don’t give a fuck about that so why tell you about it?” When they’d ask a question. Didn’t smile, didn’t see if they followed, I just walked. It enraged me and brought that inner real self that I wished I could be to the surface. They were congratulating each other on making me turn red and feel awkward. But when i went to the bathroom and they were getting more drinks, I overheard them laughing about me. I ignored it like I always did, though, thinking whatever, this will just be a throw away tour. They weren’t playing along and having fun, they were mocking me and laughing to each other at me. But when it came to my presentation, they were defiant and sarcastic. At first, we were all laughing and having fun. One day, I got a couple who knew about timeshares, they do these tours regularly to get discount rooms and deals. I felt weak and like I’d been robbed at times.

what is the 48 laws of power

Even some clients treated me badly, and I just acted like I didn’t notice. I was always a people pleaser, a charmer, which made me a great salesman but I was always taken advantage of in my personal life. Maybe they wouldn’t buy, but they would have fun which made my job exciting. When I worked in timeshare selling condos, we would get people that had no idea about timeshares and would enjoy the tour, the hospitality, the drinks and fun that came with the presentation. Long story but this was the moment I changed from my passive ways to my more assertive ways (it’s improved my life dramatically, I’m completely different in how I carry myself and everyone treats me differently): Accept the discomfort, it’ll pass and later on you’ll thank yourself for sticking to your guns. Whatever you goal is, it’s important to note that it’s going to be uncomfortable but that’s just a part of change.

what is the 48 laws of power

You’ll feel better about yourself later on and be glad you did it. It will be uncomfortable at first, but it will be worth it.

What is the 48 laws of power